Riesling - Geile Weine Day 10 - 2021 - Balthasar Ress

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Bottle front

Part of the Geile Weine 2022 Advent Calendar. April mostly tasted the calendar on her own, generally after tasting the Quarantini Gin calendar. However, Jeanette and Katie did wind up tasting some of these as well. As an overall review, the red wines were reliably disappointing, the white wines were generally pretty good, even if not favored grape types, and the rosés were the most enjoyed.

Tasting notes:

April - Nice fruit in the front, a little sour, a little bubbly, not a huge amount of wet dog at the back of the tongue, so again a pretty pleasant Riesling. I think I'll put it just below the last Riesling, but could definitely go either way.

5, 7, 6, 8 | 9, 10, 1, 3, 4, 2

Katie - smooth, a bit sour, but not as much as the sentence on the box indicates. Pleasant. what y'all call "wet dog flavor, I would say maybe "mossy"

Jeanette - Riesling: er schmeckt nach dem, was er ist- Riesling fruchtig, säuerlich, ein bisschen spritzig-prickelnd auf der Zungenspitze. Im Nachgeschmack der typische leicht muffige Geschmack, den April „wet-Dog“ Aroma nennt. Nicht mein Favorit… der erste Riesling aus dem Kalender hat mich deutlich besser geschmeckt